This year my students are reading one (or two) books to improve their vocabulary and fluency (listening to the recording of the text is going to be really helpful).

As a task, they have to write a book review and a summary of the plot. Here you will find some tips.

Steps to writing a review:

  1. make notes about setting, characters, plot/events and reasons why you liked it. You might want to express a personal opinion and give a recommendation.
  2. In paragraph 1 give the title, describe the setting and the characters. What genre is it? (a comedy, a thriller, a drama, a mystery, a romance, a spy story…)
    • What’s the main theme?
    • Who’s the main character?
    • It tells the story… The story is about…The story begins…The story centres on…
    • It’s set in…
  3. In paragraph 2 summarise the main events (but don’t give too many information)
  4. In paragraph 3 explain why you liked it and give a personal recommendation. Would you encourage other people to read this book?
    • I would definitely/ certainly/strongly recommend this book: the story is …
    • From my point of view… What I loved /hated about it was… The best part was…
    • The book is amazing/moving/dull/hilarious/gripping/soppy/predictable/dull/ clever
    • You should definitely give it a go.
  5. Proofread before writing: check your spelling and grammar! Use present simple to describe finished actions or events; use the present continuous for actions in progress.

Steps to write a summary:

  1. introduce the main idea in the first sentence
  2. include the title, the author and when it was written
  3. don’t focus on details