Media Literacy

At the beginning of the school year we have focused our attention on the meaning of Digital Citizenship. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted an issue around access to digital education: due to the pandemic, we have been communicating a lot through smartphones and computers. We have experienced distance learning and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher communication.

Although it was a stressful situation, and motivation in learning was under pressure, we have implemented our competencies to participate and cooperate within a fast-evolving digital environment in our learning community, giving birth to a series of engaging projects.  It is of utmost importance for students to be able to develop cognitive, technical and social skills and capacities that enable them to effectively access and critically analyse media content; to make informed decisions about which media they use and how to use them; to understand the ethical implications of media and new technologies, and to communicate effectively, including by creating content.

We started by asking ourselves what activities do we generally do online, and what does it mean to be a digital citizen.

Then, after having studied the vocabulary related to digital citizenship, we have analysed the following definition:

Media literacy is ‘the ability to access, analyse, evaluate, create and act using all forms of communication’. 

and the Five Key Questions of Media Literacy, to spot misinformation and disinformation:

Who created this message? 
What creative techniques are used to attract my attention? 
How might different people understand this message differently from me? 
What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message? 
Why is this message being sent? 

As a final outcome the students have been asked to get involved into a group project work, and present a video or an online presentation, in order to warn their friends about how to stay safe on the Web and make the Internet more secure.

These are the results, which they should be extremely proud of!

Students’ projects

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